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Ensure Compliance through Reporting
Govern 365’s tenant-wide admin inventory and compliance reports provide you with a pulse on your workspaces and content. These include reporting on protection status, sliceable workspace metadata, and user activity trends. Using our automated lifecycle capabilities, you can complete the content lifecycle using workspace recertification and smart disposition thereby limiting undue litigation liability risk.
Workspace Recertification
Review and recertify workspace ownership, permissions, metadata, and workspace classification based on Administrator defined rules.
Includes customizable alert templates providing Administrators control over notifications sent via Teams and email.

Smart Disposition
Intelligently determine the lifecycle of your workspaces using granular rules to control disposition criteria, processes, and workflows (using Power Automate). This includes customizable adaptive card-based alerting via Teams and email using an established disposition job frequency.
Lifecycle Tasks and Alerts
Provide users with a single streamlined interface to participate in their assigned lifecycle tasks across all workspaces over which they have responsibility.

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